The term, “alpha males” was often based on observations among animals, such as wolves, lions, bears, etc. and their leader of the pack/ hierarchy styles. Considering these animalistic characteristics of territorial dominance, strength, and courage, it’s easy to blur the lines between alpha males and narcissists. The good news is that more recent studies have shown the more softer side of the term, “alpha” as it relates to human beings. Although we’re speaking about “alpha males,” the term “alpha” refers to characteristics of both males and females. Also, the question was presented to me was, “ what’s the difference between alpha males and a narcissists?”

So below are a few comparisons between the two.

Alpha males are typically the leader of the pack, respectfully. They are confident with who they are and why they do what they do. They are at peace with their position, as they have nothing to prove.

Narcissists are pompous and disdainful. They are condescending and they thrive on intimidating others. And in order to prove their domineering position, they are very competitive and aggressive with other males.

Alphas, take pride in what they do. They’re dependable, considerate and enjoy taking care of others.  They do not look for compliments or notoriety to stroke their ego. Contrary to the narcissist, whom has a need for excessive admiration, and a sense of entitlement, alpha males, will naturally assume the position, and are successful with or without adoration or reverence.

Alpha males work hard for the position they’ve assumed. They plan diligently to get the job done, and ensure that everyone under his leader ship is protected and secure. Unlike the narcissist, whom you cannot depend on, they are unreliable, and selfish. Narcissists will only step up to the plate to be seen and heard. Their only purpose in the limelight is to satisfy their inflated sense of importance. They will gladly take trophies for races they didn’t run.  #TD Jakes.

Alphas tend to be emotionally, secure, and mature. This means that when everything is topsy-turvy, the alpha male remains, cool, calm, and collected. They are confident in their ability to successfully take care of the issue at hand, as well as provide a serene environment, that harbors optimism, and hope.  In these instances with a narcissist, you will witness the adult temper tantrum, known as, “narcissistic rage.” As a result, you will also be presented with contempt, grief, and frustration. The point of this dark tactic is to instill a mindset of codependency, on the narcissist, so that you’d believe that you are incapable of surviving without them.

An alpha male will make a decision to improve the current situation in a heartbeat. They will derive a plan and see it through to victory. Although their first option is not to ask for help, they will if they need to, but they prefer to handle things on their own under their own terms.  This gives them, a feeling of independence and a sense of accomplishment. This is also how they earn respect from others. As opposed to the narcissist, they will make some decisions however, all decisions they make are to their advantage. Because they are untrustworthy, you may, or may not get the assistance you need in a timely manner, or at all.  Narcissist are very disdainful, and if they feel that a job is beneath them, they will most certainly require that someone else does it.

Because alphas have a genuine sense of control of their environment, they are pretty pleased with their life.      They are highly admired and people love to be in their presence. They have a natural swag that you can spot 2 miles away.  On the other hand, narcissists can only dream of having this type of authentic connection with others. In fact , they are typically preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, brilliance, and power. They tend to be very shallow and lack substance. It’s only a matter of time until you begin to see right through the narcissist. You will also discover that many people are not fond of them and really don’t care to be around them.

In other words, alpha males are game changers, and narcissists are game players.

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