During ancient times, the Greeks wore diamonds and took diamonds with them to war is they believed that the diamonds provided them with strength, purpose and courage. They also symbolized the tears of the weeping gods which represented a sense of spirituality, power, and emotions divine.  In today’s time, the diamond represents truth, solidarity, and wealth. It is the most popular stone used in engagement and wedding rings.

Now, many of the characteristics and representations of the diamond are very similar to those desires of the heart. Many of which are key components to choosing a companion, right? Think about it, if you’ve ever made a list of particulars or characteristics of your ideal companion, some of those characteristics will include strength, truth, solidarity, spirituality, right? So we should be just as meticulous when choosing a companion, as we would a precious gem. Let’s look further.

When shopping for diamonds, the main questions we inquire about are, how can I be sure that this is a real natural diamond and has it been treated?  In the same arena, when it comes to choosing a companion, it often take some time to find out how the potential companion has been treated and we observe how they treat others. In terms of people, rather than a precious stone, we typically look for signs of compassion,  great communication skills, accountability, genuineness, etc.  

As far as the diamonds, the key to determine the quality of diamonds is to know the four Cs, which are the color, clarity, cut and carat weight.  This is the grading standard set up by the GIA, Gemological Institute of America. Again, when it comes to our individual determining factors of a companion, chosen for a high quality relationship, we have various qualifying characteristics.

In May of 2022, I took it upon myself to do a short survey of 100 people, who have been in relationships from 1 to 22 years, between the ages of 23 and 74. These subjects are also from various cultures, and live in various geographical areas; here are the results.

Survey of the Six Top Qualities of a Healthy Relationship 

Communication:  By definition, communication is the process of creating and sharing ideas, information, perspectives, facts, etc. one person or a group of people to another. It is essential to the sheer existence and survival of human beings and organizations. So it doesn’t matter what type of relationship we are speaking of, communication is a vital asset to them all. Think about it, what other options do you have to better understand how your companion is feeling? What they’re thinking? How was their day? etc. Communication is so important that it appears in both verbal and nonverbal forms.

Trust: Trust is also a core factor of healthy relationships. It’s the foundation for security, transparency and integrity.  Trust provides a warm sense of serenity and peace within. Trust is somewhat like a credit score, it’s very easy to lose points and quite the challenge to get them back. 

Respect: Respect is one of the items that you could spot pretty clearly and early in a relationship. We all want and deserve to be treated kindly, with dignity, and care. Without it, the relationship is headed towards a downward spiral of contempt and embarrassment.

Compromise:  I often regard compromise as a nice meet in the middle. There’s always a happy medium to any situation. For example, if I want pizza and you want hamburgers, why not get a hamburger pizza or something totally different, such as pasta, or seafood. There are many ways to establish strength in compromise. However, these goals cannot be reached, if either party is selfish or vain.

Patience: Whether there are times of trouble or not, the willingness to endure, or persevere, is a very important choice that we all make in relationships types. Patience gives us the ability to stop, remain calm, and create suitable resolutions to any issues we may be presented with.

Dependable. When times are tough we all need someone we can rely upon, or if we simply need someone to talk to. In healthy relationships, it’s very rewarding to know that your companion is always there for you, and has your best interest at heart. 

So the next time you’re looking for a diamond type relationship, be sure to check off all of the specific characteristics you require, and prepare to reciprocate the same value to your partner. 

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